I just bought the Starlight apartment #5 in Mirtho, and received 2 keys from the lady in Tel.
Neither unlocks my storage chest though. The selfsame was tthe objective of the apartment purchase
I can help with some DM trouble shooting next week before Amazons, when I have internet back. Im guessing if I jump you to another room you may be able to unlock the chest. Not sure where to go from there though....
Grovel puts the P in swimming pool.
Small in stature, large in power, narrow of focus and wide of vision
My play/DM times: [url]http://www.ysgard.org/viewtopic.php?highlight=play&t=7671[/url]
It's the tag on the chest that's the problem (not the number, don't worry about that). Temporary fix can be sorted via the client until it's altered in the mod.
If one of us is in IRC when you can get in game, we can sort it
[i]"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction." [/i]
Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Still not sorted.. each time I am on irc seems devoid of People able to do the temp fix. Just Hand me the area as an Export and a housing mod and I am willing to fix that myself by now.